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How to use the phallosan forte extender?
The only thing that has to be kept in mind while using this magical kit is consistency. This means that the phallosan has to be worn on a regular basis for best results. The best phallosan forte extender results recorded till date was when it was used for 6 months at a stretch. Here are some of the tips from the schedule that you can follow to get the best results:
         In the first week of the use, the main focus must be on getting use to the equipment. It must be worn for four hours in a day and all these hours must be split into one hour sessions. Also, keep the pressure on low tension so that you get use to the feel.
         In the next week of use keep the time same but increase the tension slightly. Make sure that you do not increase the pressure much as it can do harm to your penis.
         In the further week increase the duration of wearing the phallosan. You can increase it for up to two hours and wear it for 6 days in a week.
         In the fourth week increase the time future more. Make the sessions of 8 hours per day. You are allowed to take one day off with 6 days on phallosan on.
         In the fifth week of your use, you will get totally comfy with the equipment. Try to wear it as long as you can take it off for lesser times. Continue the efforts for six months, and you will see the result soon.

So, don't spend your money on expensive surgeries and pumps. Get your best phallosan forte discount from the official website today! Click here to know more about #phallosan forte review
